Active Ingredients
Acetochlor 410 g/l + Oxyfluorfen 40 g/l
Catholis 450EC is a mixed new generation, selective, pre- and post-emergence herbicide with systemic, contact action; absorbed mainly through leaves, shoots, roots. This product can control most of the grasses, broad-leaved weeds and sedges in peanut fields.
50 ml, 100 ml
Keep the soil moist enough after spraying. Do not spray when it rains heavily
Direction for use
- Prepare the soil: Plow and harrow thoroughly; make the soil loose, the field flat; remove all old weeds.
- Method of diluting and spraying: Dilute 50 - 60 ml of this product with 16 - 20 liters of water. Spray evenly on the field surface.
- Time of spraying: 1 - 3 days after sowing. It is best to spray right after sowing.
- Dosage: 1.2 liters/ha
- Water volume: 320 - 400 liters/ha
- PHI: None determined
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